Security Event Log Monitoring (SELM)
Be Aware
of unusual activity on
your network
Rethink “Threat”
In addition to hackers, defend yourself from rogue employees
Defense from Within
Catch insider and outsider threats through anomalous activity
Meet Requirements
Follow cybersecurity best practices, and document your security log processes
IT security should be a financial institution’s top priority. Have you protected every layer of your IT ecosystem?
You need more than anti-malware and a firewall
of cyberattacks are avoidable, with the right layers
of security incidents involving loss are from insiders
Frequently Asked Questions about SELM
What is Security Event Log Monitoring (SELM)?
Security Event Log Monitoring is simply reviewing events that occur within your network to detect any anomalies, data breach attempts, or network intrusions.
Why do we need SELM?
It is important for community banks and credit unions to be aware of any suspicious and potentially harmful activity involving their network. Security Event Log Monitoring enables easier and more efficient review and scrutiny of events.
What should SELM do?
An event log monitoring solution should be able to efficiently comb through all of your daily logs and notify you when any activity needs further review.