Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

A fully compliant disaster recovery service that is critical to any community bank or credit union’s Business Continuity Plan

Prepare for the Unknown

Moving your critical servers to the cloud as virtual machines can be the most cost effective way to meet DR needs

Made to Order

Since each financial institution’s needs are different, we will work to customize a DR solution that is right for you

Ideal for Community Banks and Credit Unions Who:

  • Worry their DR plan is not meeting BCP and RTO requirements
  • Are looking for a fully managed, secure data replication failover solution
  • Want to eliminate the burden of managing a DR failover data center
  • Need a testing process to ensure the network is recoverable
  • Would like to show examiners that their tests are done by a credible vendor
  • Require reports that satisfy examiners
  • Have only one or several branches located close together, raising the risk of data loss should a nature disaster occur

Comprehensive Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity Plan

We’ll help you meet your BCP
and RTO requirements

Yearly Testing

Receive an annual DR test with a write-up of the results

Cloud Server Vaulting

Secure, geographically diverse data center backups

High-Availability System

Fast recovery of your critical servers via the cloud

Testimonial Quote

The examiners were very pleased with how Safe Systems laid out the results and were also impressed with the fact that the test was being done by a third-party entity outside of our organization.

Chris Bailey

Network Security Administrator at Bank of Cleveland

Testimonial Quote

Ready to get started with Managed Site Recovery?

Managed Site Recovery is a fully managed and secure data replication and failover solution designed to help community banks and credit unions adhere to regulations and ensures business critical data and applications are available in the event of an unplanned business interruption. Shorten recovery time and eliminate the costs, complexities and burdens of managing your own disaster recovery failover data center by leveraging a dedicated, redundant system at a fraction of the overall costs.